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8oz clay culture, at least 50/culture. We feed a rotation of brewers yeast, and fish flake every three days.
10ct of P. Scaber “Lava” isopods. Great for most clean up crews, in most environments! Extremely active and fast breeders!
1” Psalmopeous Cambridgei slings
Armadillidium Vulgare make for an amazing cleanup crew that are sure to stand out in your semi-arid enclosures, or amazing pets!
10ct Porcellio Laevis “Dairy Cow” isopods. these isopods are some of the most protein hungry (and active) isopods around! While we don’t typically recommend these for CUC, they make amazing display isopods, and remarkable pets!
Female 4” Arizona Blonde Tarantula, local pickup only.
(50 Available) 3/4-1” Curly Hair Slings. All tarantulas purchased from us come with an updated Arachnifiles keeper card upon request!
One bean beetle starter culture. Higher fat-protein ratio than fruit flies. Great feeder for fish, small reptiles, and invertebrates. These require no water at any stage In life, and are easily split into new cultures by tapping 10-25 beetles into a new cup with black eyed peas (dried) and a vented lid.