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1/4 $2501/2 $450 Whole $900 Includes hog and processing. Ham sausage ribs steaks chops roasts bacon. Cheap way to feed the family quality farm raised beef that feeds grain that we farm to insure quality. 4 went yesterday 6 more goes Monday. Dont get left out there going fast. Located j 1 s ok 405-203-4745
1/4 $2501/2 $450 Whole $900 Includes hog and processing. Ham sausage ribs steaks chops roasts bacon. Cheap way to feed the family quality farm raised beef that feeds grain that we farm to insure quality. 4 went yesterday 6 more goes Monday. Dont get left out there going fast. Located j 1 s ok 405-203-4745
Feeder pugs ready to go on full feed. $857 available. 405-203-4745
1/4 $2501/2 $450 Whole $900 Includes hog and processing. Ham sausage ribs steaks chops roasts bacon. Cheap way to feed the family quality farm raised beef that feeds grain that we farm to insure quality. 4 went yesterday 6 more goes Monday. Dont get left out there going fast. Located j 1 s ok 405-203-4745