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Steelers items for sale, Would prefer to sell all together for $15 but will sell 8 x 10 photo of Ju Ju...
Retractable trunk cover for 2016 Nissan Murano. May possibly fit other years if you’d like to try it. $10....
We had sunscreens put on our windows and had the regular window screens removed. There are 5 left. 2 measure...
I have the complete series 1-7 of Buffy on DVD. Sells for $80 on Amazon. Selling for $20. Call/text...
Logitech Blue Yeti USB microphone with desk mount. $60. Call/text...
I have the complete series 1-5 of Angel on DVD. Sells for $35 on Amazon. Selling for $15. Call/text...
First Alert combination smoke alarm/carbon monoxide detector. New in package. Works with ring alarm...
I have a variety of electrical cords, 17 HDMI of various sizes, 7 printer cables, 7 mini USB to USB, 8...
I have 3 bags of cabinet hinges. 28 standard overlay in 1 bag for $10, 4411/4 inch overlay in another bag...
Stand up lamp with shelves. $5 call/text 304-312-7350
I have a variety of electrical cords, 17 HDMI of various sizes, 7 printer cables, 7 mini USB to USB, 8...