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Matthew Thomas

Member : 3 weeks ago
Newton Highlands, MA 02461, USA
3 weeks ago
Chromatic Button Accordion (Chroma)

Description: 41 NoteC 2 to F 5 ~C system note pattern 120 Bass--French chord block 33 ~HMM 3 reed system, 5 different timbres 29 lbs 13 kg ~Wet and juicy Italian sound ~Mother-of-pearl keys ~High-gloss case ~Rhinest 1 smissing 5 out of 100 ~Very few plastic parts, decorative only Other information: *****No old accordion smell***** ~Date of manufacture estimated to be early 1970 s ~Definitely in tune, but different temperament than a piano ~Kept in proper climate controlled storage throughout its entire life ~RecentlySeptemberevaluated by professional accordion tech who declared it in excellent condition ~Bellows and bellows cover in excellent condition ~A few scratches on the bottom of the instrument ~An abraded area on the bellows tapesee picture of backbut not worn through ~In ready to play condition! ~Assessed at $2200-$2500 ~Local Pick up ~Cash only, no $100 bills TEXT 336-340-3732 to discuss