Buy, Sell, Ditchit - The Win-Win Marketplace.

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Jacob Williams

Member : 4 weeks ago
Weymouth, MA 02188, USA
4 weeks ago
City/Trail Bike** Size Small* *Overhauled CONDITION**

**IF YOU ARE READING THIS THEN ITS AVAILABLE NO NEED TO ASK. PLEASE JUST CALL ME! OR YOU CAN EMAIL ME YOUR NUMBER AND I WILL CALL YOU. New Continental city/bike path commuter tires, new tubes, shifter cables and housings. ...Very comfortable. Bike rides like a dream and needs nothing but a rider. I am a Bike Mechanic and have just finished a tuneup/overhaul/ cleaning and lubrication on this bike. I went completely thru everything...Something to concider. You will not have to drop another 200 buck for repair at a shop. Fit is for a short rider that is approximately 51 to 56 in approximate height. $160 cash only please. I will meet at the Weymouth police dept exchange spot out front for sale transaction..Thank you. Please call Bill