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Cynthia Wilson

Member : 1 month ago
Columbia, MD 21044, USA
1 month ago
Star D Gear professional tripod

A used but fully functional and very good condition Star D Gear professional tripod, heavy and sturdy for critical stills. Cleaning out basement. $30, a bargain of bargains. X, Y, and Z axis adjustment plus rotation about Y. Now, for the important stuff. PLEASE do not contact me if you are not absolutely interested in the item. Do not ask if it is still available; if you see it listed here, it IS available, and I will promptly ignore the question. Do not ask if this is my lowest price; it is, and I will promptly ignore the question. Do not ask me to respond to email addresses or phone numbers or texts; Craigslist email service only initially. Sorry, have to do this due to too much spam, scams, and wasting time. Life is short enough. THANK YOU for your interest.