Buy, Sell, Ditchit - The Win-Win Marketplace.

current location

Kenneth Jackson

Member : 1 month ago
Rockwall, TX 75032, USA
1 month ago

I have a couple thousand vhs tapes; boxes upon boxes here in Rockwall Texas chandlers landing marina area (18 miles east of downtown Dallas). 800 + are original sealed, 100’s of promotional screeners, 100’s of children, animated, clamshell and slip case, box sets, NEARLY ANY OLDER TITLE IMAGINABLE about 50 repeats/duplicates in all. Also have a few vcrs that work perfectly I will throw in $1000 cash Every tape in 1st picture are factory sealed. All tapes and boxes are not pictured 9 7 2call7 6 5or 5 4 6 Otext Rockwall Tx 75032 Chandlers landing marina area antique mall, flea market, pawn shop, resellers, eBay sellers, etc...

CDs & DVDs
$ 1,000.00