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current location mkcid=16 mkevt=1 mkrid=711-127-632-2357-0 ssspo=Gxmbz 5 lrTzu&sssrc=4429486 ssuid=Gxmbz 5 lrTzu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This handmade tie-dye dress by Sunny Hippies is a perfect addition to your casual vintage wardrobe. The dress features a colorful design with Grateful Dead symbols and is made of 100 cotton. It is a womens XL size and was manufactured in the United States. The dress has a hippy look and is perfect for any casual occasion. Many satisfied customers at Phish and Dead and Company concerts! Gotta love me and not fade away! mkcid=16 mkevt=1 mkrid=711-127-632-2357-0 ssspo=Gxmbz 5 lrTzu&sssrc=4429486 ssuid=Gxmbz 5 lrTzu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY