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Looking to board a Standardbred Race Horse, lay-up, yearling, broodmare in foal, mare and foal, plan to retire and board your race horse – look NO FURTHER! And as an ADDED bonus boarding your mare with Walco Farms/Glass Farms can help to make your foals Kentucky Sire Stakes Eligible. ALLOW me to explain why and how! We have boarded some of the BEST yearlings that were ever sold through some of the best auction barns/companies in the country to include the Lexington, Kentucky Sales. Further more the dames, and sires for many of those yearlings began right here at Walco Farms as foals, and yearlings themselves. Bart Glass and Jim Glass work extensively with all owners and breeders to provide and maintain some of the best boarding facilities in the Bluegrass. Walco Farms has boarded, and cared for some of the greatest Standardbred Race Horses in the business. Walco Farms has developed into 1 of the most respected boarding facilities in Central Kentucky. We are not as large as some of the big farms in Lexington, but this just means that we can provide more 1 on 1 care for your horse. We have 3 barns - to included a nice hoop barn. Not only have we boarded Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana bred sire stake horses, but Walco Farms has also had many grand circuit horses over the years, some from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and even as far away as Canada. Many of the horses that were boarded here at the farm went on to became winners of The Meadowland Pace, The Kentucky Futurity, The New Jersey Sire Stakes, Ohio Sire Stakes; they have also raced and won at the Red Mile - just to name a few. Their dams and sires are still producing winners to this day. We have boarded horses for some of the same clients for over 25 years; some of our clients have retired, or not as active in racing as they were due to health reasons. These factors place Walco Farms in a unique position that it hasnt been in for years – AVAILABLE space to board for new clients/horses. Our barns, and paddocks have always been full to capacity with no room to spare anywhere. What does that mean for you if you are looking to board a Standardbred race horse? That means that your horse can live on, graze on, run on, play on - the very same ground that has helped to produce MANY of the best race horses that ever set foot on a track. Plus every 1 knows that the best water, limest 1, and grassing pasture for horses is right here in Central Kentucky. Come let Walco Farms give your horse the Kentucky Advantage; see what a difference the Bluegrass can make for you. ANOTHER advantage that Walco Farms can provide for you is as follows: 1 of the requirements for a foal to be eligible for The Kentucky Sire Stake program in Kentucky is that 1 the dame must be registered with the USTA, Standardbred Canada, or other appropriate international harness racing governing agency. And 2 The dame must have resided in the State of Kentucky for a period of not less than 180 days in the calendar year of conception. For more information please view – under Kentucky Standardbred Development Fund and Kentucky Standardbred Breeders Incentive Fund for 2 and 3 Year Old Pacers and Trotters. So let us board your mares in foal right here at Walco Farms to help your foal become Kentucky Sire Stake eligible. The mares at least 180 day stay with us while she is in foal will help to make the foal Kentucky Sire Stake eligible in other words, along with meeting all the other eligibility requirements. Most usually the foals/yearlings that are dual eligible will bring more m 1 y in the sale ring. Who doesnt like more m 1 y when or if you decide to sale? Now accepting NEW boards – layups from the track, yearlings, mares and foals, broodmares in foal, retired race horses, etc. Board can include: Turn outs, Stalled and Turn-out, stalled with lights for your broodmares to make her more ready to breed, etc. Some of the best feeds, and horse services have been utilized here at the farm for years - such as farrier, vets. Etc. Other fees that owners can incur while your horse is being boarded are as follows: suppliessuch as wraps, blankets, etc., veterinarian services, farriers, vaccinations, wormers, etc. Give Bart Glass a call or text 859-326-0590 today. Always remember that GREAT Harness Race Horse starts with a GREAT start – start right here at Walco Farms in Central Kentucky! Thank You!

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Daniel Brown

Member : 4 weeks ago

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