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$ 5.00

Mixed Canna Lilies $5 each

Condition: good color: yellow, red or peach They multiply well. They bloom all summer. You must fertilize them. They can get up to 4 feet $5 each these are not currently blooming, therefore I cannot tell which color they are. That is why I call them mixed. Canna lily rhizomes do best planted in full sun, and love the heat for maximum growth! Plant canna lilies in spring or early summer once the danger of frost has passed. The soil should be warm when the canna lilies are planted. Plant each rhizome by placing it horizontally in the planting area 2-3 below the soil. Cover the canna lily rhizome with soil and water the planting area initially after planting. Do not water to the planting area again until sprouts are visible above ground. Cash and carry. NO delivery or returns

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Eric Gomez

Member : 1 month ago

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