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The part numbers on the nose of this Crank are p 216711751 vd 12363 tocj 0623 zm .We are finding this part number is what they generally go by 21671175 .This is used in Truck , Bus ,Off Road , Equipment , Industry and Marine Applications. Prices we are finding get around $5000.00 to $8,000.00 depending on how new. We measure the Shaft size at 4.250 mains and 3.385 Rods. There is some slight rust pitting on some surfacesmostly a few of the rods journals. The mains look to be an easy polishing to make them ready, and the rods would be alsodepending on how 100 perfect your customer wants to seelast picture finger pointing at the very worst of the pitting. This was an overstock crank that was already crack inspected and polished, but is sat around and got the super light rust on itthey couldnt use it for their next Volvo Engine Build,so they jus sold it off.Thats where we got it. Our savings are being passed onto you. Call 952-854-5786 Heres the info we found on this Crankshaft Number: please look it over and ask questions if youre not 100 sure CRANKSHAFT Suitable for Volvo Trucks FM EM-EEVEB, EM-EU 5, ENG-VE 11 VAH, VHD, VN EM-USA 10, EM-USA 14, ENG-VE 11 VN EM-USA 07, ENG-VE 11 FM 4 ENG-VE 11 Volvo Bus B 11 R, B 11 R 3 ENG-VE 11 Volvo Off Road Volvo A 25 F, A 25 G, A 30 F, A 30 G D 11 Volvo Marine & Industry D 11 A-A, D 11 A-B, D 11 A-C MP, D 11 A-C D 11 A-DIPS, D 11 A-D MP, D 11 A-E, D 11 B 1-A MP D 11 B 2-A MP, D 11 B 3-A MP, D 11 B 4-A MP, TAD 1140 VE TAD 1141 VE, TAD 1142 VE, TAD 1150 VE, TAD 1151 VE TAD 1152 VE, TAD 1170 VE, TAD 1171 VE, TAD 1172 VE
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