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Waterproofing Experts Call 626-523-3838 For Estimates * Decks * 2 nd Story Balcony * Stairways * Patios * Balconies * Dry Rot Repairs * Termite Damage The standard product that we provide is the Acrylic Resin Based Fiberglass System, which is 100 water based, affordable and easy to maintain. We repair, restore and reseal: Magnasite Dex-A-Tex Elastomeric Pebblest 1 Fiberglass Cool Deck Flat Roof Wire Lath New Deck and Balcony Construction ICC/ICBO Fire Rated System Drywall Repair Water Damage We Offer Different Colors To Chose From * White * Tan * Brown * Gray * Terra Cotta * Blue * Green Re-Coating Specialists Call 626-523-3838 Keywords: deck, deck repair, deck repairs, deck coat, deck coating, deck re-coat, deck re-coating, deck dry rot, deck termite, deck leaking, deck leaks, deck epoxy coat, deck epoxy re-coating, deck contractor, balcony, balcony repair, balcony repairs, balcony coat, balcony coating, balcony re-coat, balcony re-coating, balcony contractor, balcony dry rot, balcony termite, balcony leaking, balcony leaks, deck coating, balcony coating, Los Angeles deck repair, balcony repair Los Angeles, Los Angeles Contractor,

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Jacob Parker

Member : 4 months ago

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