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Hay spear attachment skid steer loader tractor

View full Line inventory OR GO TO Feel free to text me 210-912-0196 This Hay Frame is rated 3,000 LB and is compatible with full-sized skid steers and most tractors with the quick tach system installed. Hay Frame Attachment is designed to connect your skid steer or tractor equipped with the SSQA or Universal Skid Steer Style Quick Tach System. Great for transporting hefty bales of hay, this durable frame is rated at a 3,000 LB load capacity and is crafted with no back guard, providing maximum visibility for optimal spear placement. The durable frame features Conus 2 sleeves for installing hay bale spears and a sleek powder-coat finish. Because of its powerful w 8 capacity, you can move around and stack several hay bales, round or square. Use this attachment on the farm or ranch THANKS VERY MUCH FOR CONSIDERING ADAMS TRACTOR SALES, REMEMBER ALWAYS CALL TO CONFIRM AVAILABILITY OF PRODUCT AS WELL AS MY PRESENCE AT THE SHOP THIS ALLOWS ADAMS TRACTORS SALES TO PROVIDE COMPETITIVE PRICING AND GReAT SERVICE, WE HAVE REDUCED OUR BUSINESS HOURS NEW HOURS ARE AS FOLLOWS 8 AM TO 5 PM MONDAY THRU THURSDAY FRIDAYS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY BY APPOINTMENT , NO SATURDAYS, NO SUNDAYS PLEASE REMEMBER WE GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS..AND WE ARE VERY EAGER TO ASSIST YOU THANKS TIM ADAMS Hours Monday thru Thursday 8 to 5 Card users add percent 3 210-658-8111 Monday -Thursday 8 am-5 pm PAYMENTS , CASH, BANK WIRES, ONLY PREAPPROVED CHECKS ACCEPTED ALL CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ARE SUBJECT TO A CONVENIENCE FEE Call to confirm availability before driving out Notice product and prices are Subject to change without advance notice !!!! THANKS YOU VERY MUCH FOR LOOKING TIM ADAMS Now Celebrating 23 Years in the Equipment Business ! Same Location Friendly Customer Service Quality Equipment and Accessories Knowledgeable Consulting Before the Sale Follow up and Support After the Sale After 23 Years We Must have been doing something Right? We Survived because of our Loyal New and Repeat Customers all these years and we THANK YOU ! We could not have reached this milest 1 without all the tire kickers and you, the buyers. We understand your hard earned m 1 y contributed to our being in Business for this long, and we are humble enough to recognize and appreciate YOU. Call me with questions thanks tim The Bible says, I will know you by your fruit. We Pray our Good Fruit keeps you returning and visiting us, here at Adams Tractor Sales. 10 Things We Learned Over the Years and Use in our Personal Life and Business Dealings 1 Its not what a person says but what he does that truly defines him. Dont believe everything you hear about some 1, take a good look at their fruit. 2 Dont waste your time defending the lies about you. Focus on the Truths. Gods Got this. 3 Doing whats right creates instant and everlasting peace. Doing whats wrong creates a lifetime of misery. Gods always watching. 4 Being Nice takes way less energy than being ugly. 5 Show me your friends, and I will show you your future. Do you have a Friend in Jesus? 6 H 1 sty is the BEST Policy.period 7 This is a long road we are traveling on. It takes a family and team work to make it to the end. 8 Slow down and smell the flowers today, because 1 day, you wont be around when the flowers bloom. 9 God is your source! A trust placed in anything else is futile. 10 MORE PRAYER = MORE POWER! so PUSH on... Pray Until Something Happens We Pray for every 1 who reads this Post, and for your families. May God Bless Each of you with Good Health, A Shalom Peace, Prosperity, Loving Families, Godly Friends, Discernment and Great Wisdom, and The Fruits of the Spirit. In Jesus Name. Amen FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND FRIENDSHIP GOD BLESS YOU Tim and Alison Adams Adams Tractor Sales Currently Retailing: Bobcat Skid steers, buckets, forks, grapples, blank attachment plates, augers, trenchers, backhoe attachments, brooms, concrete buckets, hay spears, trailer hitch movers for skid steers, tires, tires and wheels, foam filled tires, rubber tracks, rock buckets, skeleton buckets, teeth buckets, smooth buckets, rotary tillers, angle brooms, pick up brooms, forestry mulchers, tree shears, tree pullers, post pullers, brush cutters, rotary mowers, brush shark attachments, augers, auger bits, rock bits, auger extensions, stump planers, post drivers, various sizes and w 8 capacities.... if we dont have it we can order it through our various US Vendors and Manufacturers. LOOK FOR OUR OTHER DEALER ADS WITH ITEMIZED LISTINGS AND CURRENT PRICES We SERVICE what we sell and stock some very common wear items and parts. With todays quick shipping methods, we can order unexpectedly needed parts and have them here pronto. Tim Adams Adams Tractor Sales, Inc Schertz Texas 210-658-8111 Team National Nation Wide Co-op WE HAVE A GIANT PROVING SITE HERE ON PREMISE TO TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY, PROOF IS ALWAYS IN THE PUTTING, SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT THE ATTACHMENT WILL DO FOR YOU, SAVE TIME, LABOR, INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY, DECREASE YOUR LABOR COST , REMEMBER, PROVERBS 163, Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. WE STOCK PERHAPS THE LARGEST INVENTORY OF NEW SKID STEER LOADER ATTACHMENTS IN NE SAN ANTONIO, THESE FIT MOST ANY STAND QUICK ATTACH SYSTEMS LIKE COMMONLY USED ON MODERN SKID STEER LOADERS, AS WELL AS TRACTORS, LIKE CAT, CASE, GEHL, MUSTANG, NEW HOLLAND, JOHN DEERE, TAKEUCHI, KUBOTA, CATERPILLAR, JCB, VOLVO, SCAT TRACK, WE HAVE JUST TO NAME A FEW ITEMS LIKE GRAPPLES, GRAPPLE BUCKETS, TREE SHEARS, TREE/POST PULLERS, AUGERS , BITS, BUCKETS, PALLET FORKS, MOWERS, BRUSH CUTTERS, STUMP BUCKETS, BACKHOE ATTACHMENTS, BLANK QUICK ATTACH PLATES, QUICK HITCH TRAILER RECEIVER MOUNT PLATES, THE LIST GOES ON WE HERE AT ADAMS TRACTOR SALES OFFER A GREAT SELECTION OF USED BOBCAT SKID STEER LOADERS, PRICES FROM $22,500.00 AND UP PROUDLY SERVING SOUTH / CENTRAL TEXAS WITH QUALITY EQUIPMENT SINCE 1996 BOBCAT CAT CASE KUBOTA NEW HOLLAND JOHN DEERE GEHL MUSTANG TAKEUCHI TEREX CATERPILLAR BOBCAT FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS We ACCEPT Cash, Bank Cashiers Checks, and Major Credit Cards. NO Personal or Business Checks. CALL ME WITH ANY QUESTION THANKS TIM 210-658-8111, MOBIL 210-912-0196 THESE AS FIT MOST BOBCAT CASE CAT JOHN DEERE NEW HOLLAND MUSTANG TAKEUCHI KUBOTA GEHL TEREX SKID STEER SKIDSTEER LOADER COMPACT TRACK LOADERS TRACTORS, WITH UNIVERSAL QUICK HITCH MAHINDRA ATTACHMENTS CALL ME WITH ANY QUESTION THANKS TIM 210-658-8111, MOBIL 210-912-0196 GREAT QUALITY AT GREAT PRICES , GREAT SELECTION OF ATTACHMENTS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE LIST AND; PRICES ATTACHEMENT BOBCAT CALL ME WITH ANY QUESTION THANKS TIM 210-658-8111, MOBIL 210-912-0196 GREAT QUALITY AT FAIR PRICES , GREAT SELECTION OF ATTACHMENTS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE LIST AND; PRICES ATTACHEMENTS BOBCAT CAT CASE JOHN DEERE NEW HOLLAND CALL ME TO DISCUSS YOUR PERSONAL AND BUSINESS NEEDS.... THANKS TIM ADAMS, OWNER. 210-658-8111 FEEL FREE TO COME OUT AND DEMO IN MY GIANT DEMO SITE. TRY IT OUT FOR YOURSELF, INSTALL ATTACHMENTS TO SEE WHAT IT IS CAPABLE OF DOING AS WELL, THIS UNIT WILL IMPRESS YOU .... SAVE YOU VALUABLE TIME, AND MAKE YOU M 1 Y AUGERS-BITS-EXTENSIONS-ROCK BITS GRAPPLE RAKES- BACKHOE ATTACHMENTS- BOOM ATTACHMENTS- ROCK SAWS- MOWERS- UTILITY MOWERS- BRUSH CUTTERS- TIRES -AND -RIMS -WHEELS- TRACKS- ADVICE, FREE- GRAPPLE BUCKETS- SMOOTH BUCKETS- TEETH BUCKETS- PALLET FORKS- STUMP BUCKETS- TRENCHERS- ROCK GRAPPLES- MULCHERS- TRAILER MOVERS-QUICK HITCH RECEIVERS- ROOT PLOW- GRUBBERS- SKELETON BUCKETS- QUICK HITCH TRACTOR ADAPTERS - DOZER BLADES- STUMP GRINDERS- BROOMS- PICKUP BROOMS- HAY SPEARS- SOLID FLEX TIRES AND RIMS SYSTEMS- BLANK QUICK HITCH PLATES,-USED TO BUILD YOUR OWN ATTACHMENTS, OR REPAIR EXISTING ATTACHMENTS- CAN EASILY GET IT QUICKLY IF WE DO NOT HAVE ITEMS IN STOCK, WE REPRESENT MULTIPLE VENDORS REMEMBER PROPER EQUIPMENT INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY and IMPROVES YOUR PROFITABILITY Many Repeat Customers--- WE ARE HERE FOR LONG HAUL, TO MEET YOUR NEEDS Today AND Tomorrow WE HAVE BEEN PROUDLY SERVING TEXANS WITH SKID STEER LOADERS, AS WELL AS GOOD QUALITY ATTACHMENTS over 25 years! BANK FINANCING POSSIBLE , FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAXES, Tax EXEMPTIONS ARE GLADLY ACCEPTED WITH PROPER DOCUMENTS

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Ronald Rogers

Member : 3 months ago

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