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Ansul model 4, very legible lettering on the entire bottle, has inspection stickers for the testing and dates, dry chemical HHIS 1-0-0, bottle is in great condition. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
40 th and 50 th anniversary coffee mugs in excellent condition, $10.00 each. phone calls only, I dont text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
Westin bed caps, this is a complete set, for tailgate, side rails and front bed cover, side rail caps will fit smooth without stake holes, Ford Ranger short bedexcluding STX model 1993-2011---and B series pickup 94-97 Mazda. Tailgate cap smooth finish for 1993-2008 Ford Ranger and 94-97 Mazda B series pickupexcept step side bed. Westin smooth front bed cap finishs the bed, making it look just like new. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
Special Edition Grouse 93-94 on polished wooden base, in excellent condition. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
The Cobb is a compact and versatile energy efficient cooker, a few charcoal and youre off and cooking, has book on suggestions for use, like new condition. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
Quality Glass Blocks, 8 x 8 x 4 Nubic 90 minute glass block, 17 available, in good condition. $15.00 each--phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
Replacement grille, new in the package, Black in color, fits 1995-1997--2 WD, 4 WD, XLT, part # FDG 058 NA phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
Special Edition Pheasant 95-96, on polished wooden base, in excellent condition. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
Hilti DX 100-L, piston drive tool, takes 25 Cal. shot, plenty of shot and anchors in box, metal partition tool box, in good condition. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.
The Ducks Unlimited print is a 1991 model 32 x 27, the Pheasants Forever is the 2006-2007 print of the year 34 x 28, and the ducks in the bathroom is 23 x 28 Suburban Refuge, all in great condition. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only. $95.00 ea
Super EGO brand, 5 piece 1/4--11/4, in very good condition, in hard case. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 Am-6 PM, cash sale only.
Hard plastic case with molded plastic handle and wire cage protecting the glass, adjustable metal bracket, ON/OFF switch mounted in case, came in plastic package that says HELLA 90621 B, in new condition, has 2 wires, 1 Black and 1 RED. phone calls only, I do not text. Call 208-870-9651 between 7 AM-6 PM, cash sale only.